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    于书霞,博士,教授,国家注册环境影响评价工程师。主要研究方向为水土流失及其社会驱动机制,主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、重点研发计划项目子课题2项,以第一或通讯作者在Environmental Science & TechnologyAgriculture Ecosystems & EnvironmentJournal of Environmental Management等期刊发表文章20余篇。




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:社会-生态网络空间错位对水土流失治理的影响机制41877070),主持,2018-2022

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:生态工程驱动下社会网络变化及其对工程运维的影响机制(42177318),主持,2021-2025

3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:规划环境影响评价理论方法体系研究——以土地利用规划为例(40701066),主持,2010-2013

4. 国家重点研发计划:南方红壤低山丘陵区水土流失综合治理(项目编号:2017YFC0505400),子课题主持,2017-2020

5. 国家重点研发计划:南岭山地生态系统恢复与生态安全保障技术,子课题主持,2025-2028

6. 横向项目:荆门市重点流域水产养殖污染控制方案研究,主持,2020-2022

7. 横向项目:咸宁市生态保护与建设规划(2015-2020年),主持,2015-2016

8. 中央高校自主创新项目:湖北省农业温室气体排放峰值测算研究,主持,2015-2017


1. Yu S X., Bai X., Zhao J., Zeng Y., Wang Y., Wang Z., Wang L., Shi Z. Mismatch between provincial grain production and consumption increased cropland soil erosion in China[J]. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2024, 367.

2. Wang Y., Hu X., Yu S X., Wang Z., Zhao J., Fang N., Xiao H., Wang L., Shi Z. Soil conservation of sloping farmland in China: History, present, and future[J]. Earth-Science Reviews, 2024, 249.

3. Wang L., Xu B., Zhao J., Li C., Zeng Y., Niu Y., Yu S X., Wang Z., Shi Z. H. Socioecological Predicament on Global Steeply Sloped Cropland[J]. Earth's Future, 2023, 11(3).

4. Wang J., Wei L., Zuo J., Peng S., Yu S X., Wang L., Chen C., Wang Z. Heterogeneous driving effects of middle-class expansion on carbon emissions in various regions of China: A structural path decomposition analysis[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 389.

5. Li C., Deng Z., Wang Z., Hu Y., Wang L., Yu S X., Li W., Shi Z., Bryan B. A. Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have impeded progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals[J]. Communications Earth and Environment, 2023, 4(1).

6. Cai Z., Wei H., Hu Q., Zhou W., Zhang X., Jin W., Wang L., Yu S X., Wang Z., Xu B., Shi Z. Learning spectral-spatial representations from VHR images for fine-scale crop type mapping: A case study of rice-crayfish field extraction in South China[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2023, 199: 28-39.

7. Zheng J. Y., Wang L., Zhao J. S., Niu Y. H., Xiao H. B., Wang Z., Yu S X. X., Shi Z. H. Forty-year-old orchards promote carbon storage by changing aggregate-associated enzyme activities and microbial communities[J]. Catena, 2022, 213.

8. Zeng Y., Ran L., Fang N., Wang Z., Xu Z., Lu X., Yu Q., Wang L., Yu S X., Shi Z. How to Balance Green and Grain in Marginal Mountainous Areas?[J]. Earth's Future, 2022, 10(5).

9. Niu Y. H., Wang L., Wang Z., Yu S X. X., Zheng J. Y., Shi Z. H. High-frequency monitoring of neonicotinoids dynamics in soil-water systems during hydrological processes[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 292.

10. Cui H., Wang Z., Yan H., Li C., Jiang X., Wang L., Liu G., Hu Y., Yu S X., Shi Z. Production-Based and Consumption-Based Accounting of Global Cropland Soil Erosion[J]. Environmental Science and Technology, 2022, 56(14): 10465-10473.

11. Zhao S., Li C., Wang Z., Yu S X., Shi Z. Industrial polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emissions embodied in domestic trade in China in 2012[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 284.

12. Zhang H., Wang L., Yu S X., Zhao J., Shi Z. Identifying government's and farmers’ roles in soil erosion management in a rural area of southern China with social network analysis[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 278.

13. Yu S X., Xie C., Jinsong Z., Wang Z., Wang L., Shi Z. Socioeconomic development mitigates runoff and sediment yields in a subtropical agricultural watershed in southern China[J]. Environmental Research Letters, 2021, 16(2).

14. Yu S X., Wang L., Zhao J., Shi Z. Using structural equation modelling to identify regional socio-economic driving forces of soil erosion: A case study of Jiangxi Province, southern China[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 279.

15. Wang Z., Zeng Y., Li C., Yan H., Yu S X., Wang L., Shi Z. Telecoupling cropland soil erosion with distant drivers within China[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 288.

16. Liu S., Lei Y., Zhao J., Yu S X., Wang L. Research on ecosystem services of water conservation and soil retention: a bibliometric analysis[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(3): 2995-3007.

17. Li C., Wang L., Zhao J., Deng L., Yu S X., Shi Z., Wang Z. The collapse of global plastic waste trade: Structural change, cascading failure process and potential solutions[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 314.

18. Deng J., Li C., Wang L., Yu S X., Zhang X., Wang Z. The impact of water scarcity on Chinese inter-provincial virtual water trade[J]. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2021, 28: 1699-1707.

19. Wei L., Li C., Wang J., Wang X., Wang Z., Cui C., Peng S., Liu Y., Yu S X., Wang L., Shi Z. Rising middle and rich classes drove China's carbon emissions[J]. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2020, 159.

20. Wang L., Yan H., Wang X. W., Wang Z., Yu S X. X., Wang T. W., Shi Z. H. The potential for soil erosion control associated with socio-economic development in the hilly red soil region, southern China[J]. Catena, 2020, 194.

21. Liu Y., Wang Z., Guo H., Yu S X., Sheng H. Modelling the Effect of Weather Conditions on Cyanobacterial Bloom Outbreaks in Lake Dianchi: A Rough Decision-Adjusted Logistic Regression Model[J]. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 2013, 18(2): 199-207.

22. 史志华,于书霞,王玲.南方红壤区水土流失与社会经济的耦合关系[J].人民长江,2023,54(01):69-74.

23. 周杏,李晶,于书霞,刘微,胡荣桂.基于减排潜力与减排成本的水稻种植模式综合评价——以湖北省为例[J].农业资源与环境学报,2017,34(06):568-575.

24. 杨璐,李夏菲,于书霞,刘微,胡荣桂.湖北省猪粪管理温室气体减排潜力分析[J].资源科学,2016,38(03):557-564.

25. 李夏菲,杨璐,于书霞,刘微,王德鑫,胡荣桂.湖北省油菜测土配方施肥下N_2O减排潜力估算[J].中国环境科学,2015,35(12):3817-3823.

26. 杨璐,于书霞,李夏菲,刘微,胡荣桂.湖北省畜禽粪便温室气体减排潜力分析[J].环境科学学报,2016,36(07):2650-2657.

27. 何丹,周璟,高伟,郭怀成,于书霞,刘永.基于CA-Markov模型的滇池流域土地利用变化动态模拟研究[J].北京大学学报(自然科学版),2014,50(06):1095-1105.

28. 徐丽,于书霞,何念鹏,温学发,石培礼,张扬建,代景忠,王若梦.青藏高原高寒草地土壤碳矿化及其温度敏感性[J].植物生态学报,2013,37(11):988-997.

29. 郭怀成,向男,周丰,王永华,李发荣,朱翔,毛国柱,于书霞,李娜,盛虎,杨永辉,何成杰,王翠榆.滇池流域宝象河暴雨径流初始冲刷效应[J].环境科学,2013,34(04):1298-1307.

30. 刘杰,叶晶,杨婉,郭怀成,于书霞.基于GIS的滇池流域景观格局优化[J].自然资源学报,2012,27(05):801-808.

31. 古维迎,冯长春,沈昊婧,于书霞.滇池流域城乡建设用地扩张驱动力分析[J].城市发展研究,2011,18(07):26-31+73.

联系方式:电子邮箱 shuxia_yu@mail.hzau.edu.cn 


